This one's the first option I made. The red kinda blends with the pink too much, now that I look at it.

Here's the next version. I remade it below with a dark green replacing the black stroke throughout.

I like the color contrasts in this one.

I like the colors, but some have pointed out that the creatures don't contrast enough.
With that in mind, I made this one:

I like the contrasts in this one much better now.
I like the second one (and 2b) and the last one.
Thanks, jay-ole. That last one is a popular choice. I think the blue really seals it.
I like the green ones (2 and 2b) the best, and that last one as well.
I like the 4th and last ones the best but Id go with 4th
The Last one is the Best !!! Nice Contrast and easy on the eyes colors.
I really like the last one and 2b.
In fact... I would like to see the bear from 2b the same color as the bear from the last one. :D
Thanks, guys.
Hans Dieter from an Oktoberfest blog?? Wow, how'd you find me?
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