Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Three ends: softball, the play, and lacrosse

Three semester-long events ended in three days a few weeks ago: softball on Saturday, the play that night, and lacrosse the following Monday. We suddenly have evenings and weekends back (sort of -- they're full already with other things).

Softball: we lost, but it was a good close game. I tagged a guy out at home on a throw from the outfield from Robert (of the Tiffins). Great play, but the runner nailed my glove and my thumb has been jacked up since. Not sure if it's just a bad sprain or something worse.

I participated in the final lacrosse class, which was "Indian-style," meaning (almost) no rules. No out-of-bounds, tackling is allowed, no crease, you can grab each others' sticks, etc. It was a lot of fun. I somehow played without hurting my thumb further. Got tackled a few times, helped a few tackles, scored a few goals. Lots of funny moments (girls tackling huge guys, guys scaring girls, little guys tackling big guys, falls, ridiculous "cheating").

The play ended well. We had a great sell-out crowd for our final performance, and we all felt we did well. Sad that it's over, but happy to not have three hour rehearsals every night.

Our activities we're starting up again are bocce ball on Wednesdays at work, and movie night with the Prices every other week.

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